New Witbuik is an outstanding breeder, one of the best of his era!
After winning 1st nat. Barcelona in 2012, he was bought by Batenburg/PEC. Due to its appeal, its perfect body, soft plume and the perfect eye of a breeder, Hugo named him “New Witbuik”. New Witbuik was acquired by HvA Pigeons.
Co-breeding with Jan Hooymans in response to racing successes at Batenburg-vd Merwe. Due to the amazing results of Hugo Batenburg with the offsprings from New Witbuik and Harry, HvA and Jan Hooymans decided to start co-breeding.
Paarsborst (NL03-0316801) was by life a legend, winning 1st national Lourdes 2005 (time race), 1st national Dax 2006, 2nd int.Dax 2006, 33th national Pau 2005, 91st int.Pau 2005. Paarsborst was breeding at HvA Pigeons for 1 year. New Witbuik was paired with several daughters of Paarsborst.
SuperDax Verhellen 1st International Dax 2005. Winner Golden EuroDiamond 2005. As son in law of Hilaire Verhellen, the old strain of Hilaire Verhellen is still present at HvA Pigeons. New Witbuik x daughters of SuperDax guarantee a bright future for very long distance races.
HvA acquired all the pigeons of Jan Lijnders. Jan was inbreeding his direct van Wanroys during decades. With succes? Rütz und Söhne: base breeding hen Elektra and the father of their 2nd national Barcelona are direct from Jan Lijnders. Since Ludovicus VD Wouwer introduced some pigeons from Jan Lijnders he won on 3 different one loft races the 1st Belgian pigeon. New Witbuik x van Wanroy: pure Aarden